Abortion is a serious medical procedure, so it is imperative to prioritize your health. While considering abortion, it’s essential to get the screenings and tests listed below to confirm your decision and protect your physical well-being.

3 Things Recommended Before Abortion

Before scheduling an abortion appointment, three things are recommended to ensure safety and confidence.

  1. Take a lab-quality pregnancy test
  2. Receive an ultrasound
  3. Learn about every pregnancy option

Keep reading to learn about each step.

First, Take Another Pregnancy Test

If you have already taken an at-home pregnancy test, it is beneficial to take another test to verify your results. At-home tests can be incorrect, so confirm the accuracy with a lab-quality test.

Also, many pregnancies result in miscarriage. Sometimes miscarriages can happen without you even knowing. Taking another pregnancy test and ultrasound can bring clarity to the status of your pregnancy.

Second, Receive an Ultrasound

An ultrasound reveals essential information about your pregnancy that will determine if you are eligible for abortion and, if so, what kind of procedure. 

A limited OB ultrasound gives a glimpse into the location of your pregnancy. Unfortunately, there are times the embryo implants outside the uterus. This type of pregnancy is called ectopic and is nonviable, meaning it can’t grow to completion.

An ectopic pregnancy can pose a serious threat to your health. An ultrasound will alert you if you need to seek medical attention immediately. Second, a limited ultrasound helps you understand how far along the pregnancy has progressed and which abortion procedure you qualify for.

For example, pregnant women are eligible for the abortion pill within ten weeks from the first day of their last menstrual period. Taking the medication after this time could lead to serious health consequences (most notably, an incomplete abortion).

Lastly, an ultrasound will confirm if you have a viable pregnancy. It’s estimated that as many as 10-20% of pregnancies end in early miscarriage. Even if your pregnancy test came back positive, you might have naturally miscarried before your ultrasound. The only way to know if you have miscarried is to undergo an ultrasound exam.

Third, Learn About Every Option

There are three options to choose from for every pregnancy: parenting, adoption, and abortion. Our staff will share accurate, insightful information to empower you to make an informed pregnancy decision.

Even if you desire to have an abortion, it is best to understand the risks associated with the procedure and the other options available to you.

Contact us about scheduling your no-cost and confidential appointment today. We look forward to seeing you.

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