A medical abortion, also known as a chemical abortion, is an elective medication regimen taken to terminate a viable pregnancy located within the uterus. This procedure has risks, and women should be aware of complications and speak with a trusted provider or pregnancy clinic to understand how it can impact their health.
What Are the Risks of a medical abortion?
A medical abortion requires the ingesting of two medications:
- Mifepristone: causes the embryo to become detached and thin uterine walls.
- Misoprostol: causes pregnancy tissue to be expelled through the vagina
Like other medications, there are risks associated with these drugs that women need to know beforehand to protect their health. Some of these risks include:
- Incomplete abortion, which may need to be followed by surgical abortion
- An ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding
- Infection
- Fever
- Digestive system discomfort
What Should I Know Before a Medical Abortion?
Women seeking a medical abortion should know when this procedure is not medically recommended. This includes:
- Being too far along in your pregnancy.
- Having an intrauterine device (IUD).
- Having a possible ectopic pregnancy.
- Having certain medical conditions.
- Taking blood thinners or certain steroids.
- Unable to make follow-up visits or receive emergency care.
- Having an allergy to the medicine used.
To better understand if a woman’s health qualifies for this procedure, it’s best to have a complete physical and give a full health history, including current medications.
Going the extra mile is essential when it comes to safeguarding health and safety.
Who Can I Speak With?
Contact us today if you want to speak with someone regarding all available options. We will be happy to sit down and discuss any questions or concerns, providing the answers sought.
Together there is a way forward that allows women facing unplanned pregnancies to face the future with confidence and peace of mind.