When it comes to getting as much information as possible about your unexpected pregnancy, you need an ultrasound. This amazing imaging procedure uses sound waves to give you a real-time view of the inside of your uterus.
Don’t skip this critical step. It’s safe, painless, and at AscentCare, available at no cost.
Getting A No-Cost Ultrasound
At AscentCare, we believe the more knowledge you have, the more confident you will be when deciding about your unexpected pregnancy. To do that, you need the information an ultrasound gives you.
If you received a positive result from our pregnancy test, your next step is a no-cost confidential ultrasound scan. A positive pregnancy test (even a home pregnancy test) only indicates pregnancy. You need to confirm the test result with an ultrasound.
What Is Ultrasound?
Ultrasound is an imaging method using high-frequency sound waves to capture an image from inside your body.
The transducer picks up echoes of the sound waves inside. The sound waves bounce back and electronically form an image of the inside of your uterus, which you can view on a television and ultrasound screen.
Why Do I Need An Ultrasound?
An ultrasound answers three critical questions to help you decide about your unexpected pregnancy.
Is the Pregnancy Viable, or Did You Miscarry?
A viable pregnancy is growing with a detectable heartbeat. According to the Mayo Clinic, up to one in four known pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. The percentage could be higher since many women miscarry before realizing they were pregnant.
Getting a positive pregnancy test days or weeks after a miscarriage is possible. An ultrasound is one of the easiest ways to determine the viability of your pregnancy.
How Far Along Are You In Your Pregnancy?
Knowing the number of weeks you’ve been pregnant is vital for many reasons. Knowing how far along you are in your pregnancy helps determine your due date if you are considering adoption or parenting.
If you are considering abortion, the abortion provider selects the type of procedure based on the number of days or weeks you’ve been pregnant.
Where is the pregnancy located?
Although rare, some pregnancies do not form in the uterus. These pregnancies implant and begin growing in other areas, such as the fallopian tubes. This type of pregnancy is known as ectopic pregnancy and can be extremely dangerous.
You need to see your regular health care professional as soon as possible.
Our Goal Is To Educate and Encourage You
Our team at AscentCare believes you deserve the facts about your unexpected pregnancy. We know this is a difficult situation for you, your partner, and your family. Getting the truth about each option is essential to make an empowered decision.
Contact us to set up an appointment for a no-cost pregnancy test. If it’s positive, we’ll arrange for you to receive a no-cost ultrasound. We truly care about you.