If you are pregnant and in an abusive relationship, you may feel powerless. The stress you are feeling from the pregnancy and your relationship is normal, but the good news is you are not stuck!
The National Domestic Abuse Hotline is (800)799-7233 for immediate assistance. AscentCare is also here to empower you to choose a happier, healthier, and freer path.
Find Some Place Safe
If your partner has displayed violent behavior, you and your pregnancy are at risk. Regardless of how your partner makes you feel, you deserve a future free from fear.
Your first step is to remove yourself from where your partner can harm you further, especially because you are vulnerable during pregnancy. A few options include staying with a family member or friend, seeking a local women’s shelter where you can get help and resources, or staying at a hotel.
Consider Whether or Not to Contact Law Enforcement
If the abuse is physical, and you are in immediate danger it is important that you seek help right away. This is undoubtedly a crime and it is encouraged that you report this to law enforcement.
If the crime of physical assault happened recently, you might feel like the last thing you want to do is talk about your experience, but you may regret not reporting it later.
Seek Medical Treatment
You likely don’t want to have anyone in your personal space, but seeking medical treatment for physical and mental abuse is essential, especially if you’re pregnant.
Medical professionals are highly trained to treat survivors of domestic violence assault and will be gentle and respectful.
Seek Healing and Make a Plan
How you proceed is up to you, but you deserve to secure a future free from fear, control, or abuse.
If you are living with an abusive partner, it can be overwhelming to decide how to manage your living situation, but you are not alone, and a brighter future is possible. You have done nothing to deserve abusive behavior, and you are worth fighting for.
The first step is to make a plan that protects your physical and mental health and leaves you in control of your own life so that you can seek healing and freedom.
At AscentCare, we can help you develop a plan and connect you with local resources as you make decisions for your future. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!