What Do I Do if I Am Pregnant in High School?

If you think you’re pregnant and are still in high school, this can be incredibly daunting. This changes everything you had planned for your future.  Maybe you wanted kids but wanted to wait for a few years, or maybe you wanted to go to college and this could get in the way. Maybe you are

Are There Side Effects To An Abortion?

While there is no immediate fix or convenient solution for an unplanned pregnancy, options and resources are available for women facing this situation. If you are feeling worried, anxious, or pressured by financial or relational stressors because of your pregnancy, the important thing to know is that there is hope, and you are not alone.

My Partner Is Pressuring Me to Have an Abortion But I’m Not Sure

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be intimidating enough on its own, but having a partner pressure you into a decision can make this even more challenging to navigate. Read this article for steps you can take to ensure your decision is out of confidence rather than fear. Step 1. Assess the Situation There are many

How To Tell Your Boyfriend And Family You Are Pregnant?

The surprise of a positive pregnancy test combined with a late period is shocking. Now, what do you do? Should you tell others? No matter what, honesty is the best policy, but first, confirm your pregnancy.  How Do I Confirm My Pregnancy? Pregnancy Testing Even if you’ve taken a home pregnancy test, we encourage you

What Can Guys Do With an Unplanned Pregnancy?

Whether it was from a casual hookup or your partner, learning that you helped cause an unplanned pregnancy can leave you reeling.  Your first thought may be to find the most convenient solution; however, it’s important to have open and honest conversations with the woman carrying the pregnancy, whether you’re currently in a committed relationship

Can You Reverse The Effects Of The Abortion Pill? 

Whether you were pressured into taking the first step of a medication abortion or suddenly decided that this may not be the right choice for your pregnancy, it may still be possible to reverse the effects of taking the abortion pill. Don’t hesitate to immediately contact the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline at 1-877-558-0333 for assistance

What Are the Warning Signs of Infection After an Abortion?

If you are considering an abortion, it’s important to understand that almost any medical procedure poses some type of risk. With a surgical or medical abortion, there is the possibility of an incomplete abortion or an infection.  Of a Finnish study of 24,006 adults, 2% experienced an infection. According to this study, the infections are

What Happens To My Body After An Abortion?

You should take every medical procedure seriously. If you are considering an abortion, ensure you know what to expect after the procedure. It’s essential to be aware that abortion can physically and psychologically impact your body. While researching online is a great way to gain information, it’s also best to consult a physician or a

Why Do I Need an Ultrasound?

When it comes to getting as much information as possible about your unexpected pregnancy, you need an ultrasound. This amazing imaging procedure uses sound waves to give you a real-time view of the inside of your uterus. Don’t skip this critical step. It’s safe, painless, and at AscentCare, available at no cost. Getting A No-Cost

What Is A Medical Abortion?

A medical abortion, also known as a chemical abortion, is an elective medication regimen taken to terminate a viable pregnancy located within the uterus. This procedure has risks, and women should be aware of complications and speak with a trusted provider or pregnancy clinic to understand how it can impact their health.  What Are the