The surprise of a positive pregnancy test combined with a late period is shocking. Now, what do you do? Should you tell others? No matter what, honesty is the best policy, but first, confirm your pregnancy.
How Do I Confirm My Pregnancy?
Pregnancy Testing
Even if you’ve taken a home pregnancy test, we encourage you to come to AscentCare for no-cost lab-quality pregnancy testing. It’s always good to get a second opinion.
Home pregnancy tests are reliable, but it’s important to take them at the right time. If your monthly cycle is regular (every 28 to 32 days), you can take a pregnancy test a couple of days after your missed period. If your periods are irregular, it’s best to wait for at least a week after your missed period.
A pregnancy test only indicates the possibility of pregnancy. You need an ultrasound to confirm the viability of your pregnancy. A viable pregnancy means it is growing with a detectable heartbeat.
According to the Mayo Clinic, up to 20% of known pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. The number could be actually higher since many women miscarry without realizing they were pregnant. It’s possible to get a positive pregnancy test result when you’ve already miscarried.
It’s Important To Give Yourself Time
Once your pregnancy is definitely confirmed, take some time to absorb the news. If it’s a shock to you, imagine how your parent(s) and boyfriend will feel.
Learn about your options. At AscentCare, we offer no-cost options for consultations. Set up an appointment to discuss abortion procedures, how to make an adoption plan, and resources for parenting. Do your homework first.
Talking with a neutral third party often helps you sort through your emotions and get a better grasp of reality. We’re a safe place to share your thoughts and fears.
Choose The Right Time For Conversations
Pick the day and place where those you need to tell have time to take it in.
Be open to the fact that their response may not be what you expect. Just like you, your family and boyfriend need time to process the news. Be prepared for emotions to run high. Expect everything from disbelief, disappointment, joy, and even anger.
Try not to immediately react to their response. Give everyone the space and respect they need to comprehend what you’re saying.
What If We Don’t Agree On What To Do?
Ultimately, you have the final say on the outcome of your pregnancy. Your parents and boyfriend may try to force or manipulate you, but legally no one has the right to decide for you.
If you feel unsafe sharing the news or after you have shared, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). They have several options to communicate safely with them.
No-Cost Confidential Support
According to some reports, almost half of all pregnancies each year are unexpected. If you’re currently experiencing the shock of an unexpected pregnancy, you’re not alone.
We’re here to talk with you, confirm your pregnancy, offer options, and be the friend you need. Call or text us at 518-739-3388, or contact us online. We’re here for you. We are a pregnancy center near Ausable, NY.